Police Commendation or Complaint
The University of Akron Police Department is committed to ensuring that our officers and non-sworn staff provide unbiased, quality service to our University and surrounding community.
If you are pleased with the services provided by our Department or if you have any complaints regarding the services provided or the actions of any of our staff, please contact us via:
In Person:
Please visit 146 Hill Street, Akron, Ohio 44325.  Proceed to the dispatch window and explain to the dispatcher that you would like to speak to an on-duty Police Supervisor regarding either a commendation or complaint.
Call 330-972-2911 and explain to the dispatcher that you would like to speak to an on-duty Police Supervisor regarding either a commendation or complaint.
Traditional Mail:
Send your communication to:
The University of Akron Police Department
Akron, Ohio  44325-0402
Send your communication to uapd@soongshinkid.com

Complaints will be fully investigated within 60 days unless a time extension is granted by the Chief of Police.
The University of Akron Police Department has the responsibility to protect the rights of all persons within its jurisdiction.  This includes protecting its officers and employees from false allegations of misconduct.  In this context, complainants should be made aware of the following sections of the Ohio Criminal Code:
*             Section 2917.32(A)(3)     No person shall report to any law enforcement agency an alleged offense or other incident within its concern, knowing that such offense did not occur.
*             Section 2921.13(A)           No person shall knowingly make a false statement, or knowing swear or affirm the truth of a false statement previously made when any of the following apply:
             *             The statement is made with purpose to mislead a public official in performing his function.
*             Section 2921.15(B)           No person shall knowingly file a complaint against a peace officer that alleges that the peace officer engaged in misconduct in the performance of the officer's duties if the person knows that the allegation is false.
These crimes are misdemeanors of the first degree punishable upon conviction by a fine not more than $1,000 and/or imprisonment not more than 6 months.